
314-432-2525 x101

Dewitt Campbell, MSW, CDFT

Program Director

Dewitt Campbell was born and raised in the city of St. Louis and received his bachelor’s degree in Sociology from Webster University and a Master’s degree in Social Work from Washington University.  Dewitt has more than eighteen years of social service experience in a number of distinct serve areas including; prevention services, fund distribution at the United Way of Greater St. Louis, adult and youth homeless services, emergency disaster services and work force development services.  Dewitt has previously taught Social Justice and Human Diversity at the Washington University school of Social work and he currently serves as a private social service consultant and freelance social worker through his company, DCIII Solutions. 

Dewitt has been involved with NCCJ St. Louis since 2000 in a number of different capacities.  He is a an alumni of the Dismantling Racism Institute, has served on staff of the AnyTown Youth Leadership Institute multiple times and oversees the cadre of NCCJ's Certified Diversity FaciliTrainers that provide services to both youth and adult populations throughout the region.